Matt Gaetz Needs to Go Away, Preferably to Prison

Matt Gaetz calls from armed confrontations with tech companies over "cancel culture"
Matt Gaetz Needs to Go Away, Preferably to Prison 1
Matt Gaetz didn't get enough love from his mother.

Matt Gaetz said Americans have an ‘obligation' to take up arms against Silicon Valley companies

Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida on Thursday escalated his rhetoric against Silicon Valley companies he argues are censoring conservatives, saying Americans have an “obligation to use” their Second Amendment right to bear arms against them.

Gaetz, who is the subject of a federal sex-trafficking investigation, made the incendiary remarks at an “American First” tour event in Georgia, where he appeared alongside Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Greene, like Gaetz, is a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump.

“The internet's hall monitors out in Silicon Valley, they think they can suppress us, discourage us. Maybe if you're just a little less patriotic. Maybe if you just conform to their way of thinking a little more, then you'll be allowed to participate in the digital world,” Gaetz told the audience.

Business Insider

If this isn't inciting violence, nothing is. It wasn't enough that the GQP tried to bring down our democracy on January 6, 2021…they're now trying to bring down private businesses they don't agree with by calling for armed confrontation.

They claim “cancel culture” is bad, but they never ever talk about the real cancer in our culture: Violence.

Meanwhile: 322 people have been shot in mass shootings (4 or more shot) in May 2021.

And cops have killed over 1000 people since George Floyd was murdered.

I'd say cancel culture is a pimple on the ass of a much bigger problem, wouldn't you?

Three Tacoma Police Officers Charged in Maneul Ellis' Murder

Just before midnight last March, Manuel Ellis set out on his usual jaunt to pick up a late-night snack at his local 7-Eleven in Tacoma, Wash. But his stroll home was abruptly interrupted when police officers sprung out of their patrol car, wrestled Ellis to the ground, restrained his neck and legs, handcuffed him and Tasered him.

“Can’t breathe, sir,” Ellis, a 33-year-old Black man, pleaded in an incident caught on video.

Minutes later, he was dead.

Ellis’s death sparked protests over police brutality against people of color, inspiring Tacoma’s mayor to condemn the officers and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) to order an independent investigation.

On Thursday, Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced charges against the three Tacoma police officers involved in Ellis’s death. Christopher Burbank, 35, and Matthew Collins, 38, face second-degree murder charges, while Timothy Rankine, 32, faces a charge of first-degree manslaughter.


Note this happened before George Floyd was murdered. The cops tried to cover it up. They held off as long as they could. I didn't hear about it until after George Floyd was killed.

Also note, one of the murderers lives in my city.

Some things never change.

Bosses are acting like the pandemic never happened

Now, with vaccinations on the rise and summer approaching, a lot of employers are going back to business as usual.

Restaurant and other service industry employers are saying they can’t find workers, and some are blaming expanded unemployment benefits — even as many businesses continue to offer wages that feel stuck in 2019 and safety remains uncertain in an ongoing pandemic. Indeed, a relaxation of mask mandates has brought new potential risks, with service workers now having to contend with more maskless customers. Restaurant workers “have concerns because it is not easy to know who has been vaccinated,” Sekou Siby, president and CEO of Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (ROC United), which works on behalf of low-wage restaurant workers, told Vox.


At first, for a few weeks, employers of “essential workers” seemed to have some empathy. They boosted pay. Now, not so much. As demand heats up (economy grew by over 6 percent annualized last quarter), employers can't fill their ranks.

And you can bet they'll take their frustration out on their current employees.

Some things will never change.

Russia Hacked System Used by U.S. Aid Agency

Hackers linked to Russia’s main intelligence agency surreptitiously seized an email system used by the State Department’s international aid agency to burrow into the computer networks of human rights groups and other organizations of the sort that have been critical of President Vladimir Putin.

Discovery of the breach comes only three weeks before President Biden is scheduled to meet Mr. Putin in Geneva, and at a moment of increased tension between the two nations — in part because of a series of increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks emanating from Russia.

Political Wire

Russia will NEVER be our ally. Biden needs to put the smackdown on Putin. That is all.

Like I said above, some things never change.

U.S. scientists expand efforts to determine when booster shots will be needed

U.S. scientists are expanding efforts to evaluate when fully vaccinated people will need booster shots — and, if so, whether people can switch brands — in the latest chapter of the global quest to stop the pandemic.

For people eager to put the health crisis behind them, the relief of being vaccinated is being replaced by a new worry. Is immunity a ticking clock? Should they plan a family wedding this fall? Will everyone need booster shots? When? Are people locked into the same brand or vaccine technology for their next shot?

“As we know, covid is not going to go away anytime soon, and we know that the antibodies decrease over time, so that a boost will be needed at some juncture. I can’t predict when,” said John Beigel, associate director for clinical research in the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.


My first thought: (Yes, I'm cynical AF, in case you couldn't tell by now.)

Is this like a drug dealer getting a guy hooked? You give him his first “hit” for free, he gets addicted, then you have a paying customer for life?

That's exactly what this feels like. You can BET YOUR ASS these booster shots won't be free.

YouTuber arrested for tying dog to helium balloons and letting it float away

A YouTuber has found himself in hot water after filming himself tying his pet Pomeranian dog to a bunch of helium balloons and letting it float away, as part of a viral stunt.

Gaurav Sharma, who goes by the name of Gauravzone online, uploaded the clip of pet Dollar to his four million YouTube subscribers, however he was quickly inundated with complaints from animal rights groups.

The clip shows the 32-year-old and another woman making several attempts to make Dollar float, before they eventually climb onto the top of a car and release the animal, who ends up crashing into a nearby balcony as they laugh from the ground below.


People are stupid and mean. He deserves the same treatment.

Calling Elon Musk: I think you have a volunteer for your first “manned” Tesla journey to Mars.

(By the way, where did that car wind up? And why no charges of space littering?)

The article was originally published here!


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