Morning Sixpack – COVID-19, Scared Stupid, Streaming Stupid, and more Stupid

stop making stupid people famous

1 – The COVID-19 Vaccines are FREE!

COVID-19 vaccines are free in the United States
COVID-19 vaccines are free in the United States

More than a third of adults are concerned about having to pay out of pocket for the vaccine, despite the fact that it’s free to every American, according to a recent survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Additionally, a third are worried about missing work if the side effects make them sick, while 1 in 6 are concerned about having to take time off to get the vaccine.

Yahoo Money

It is very sad that a very large percentage of the population doesn't know that the vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson are not free to all eligible.

The former administration did its best to not get the word out and the current administration has been behind the 8 ball since they assumed power (in a legitimate election).

Here's my small contribution to getting the word out.

When I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, I wasn't asked anything about my health insurance and I wasn't asked to pay a cent, nor have I been sent a bill because there will not be one.

The federal government (i.e., the collective “we”) is footing the bill.

2 – What the fuck did I just watch?

I admit I didn't watch the whole thing. And I kept wondering if this was a joke or some sad attempt to “scare straight” this little boy.

But I don't think that's what this was. It appears to be cops intimidating the fuck out of the kid.

And that just isn't right.

3 – Shit's about to get real, y'all. Or not. We'll see.

March 28 (Reuters) – A number of large block trades on Friday which investors said caused big drops in the stocks of a clutch of companies were linked to an investment fund, Archegos Capital, a source familiar with the situation said, with the moves raising worries about volatile trading in the coming days.


I anticipated a drop a couple months ago and sold nearly everything stock-related in my meager portfolio. I've been watching the markets rise to new highs nearly every single day since then. Is this when I get some vindication?

Apparently not 🙂

4 – The world has gone mad, Part 3,723.

On Friday, the Twitch streamer Ludwig slept in. He got up around 11AM PT and lay in bed, chatting with the more than 30,000 viewers of his stream. He’s spent a lot of time in that spot lately — in fact, he’s broadcast dozens of hours of himself curled up in a bright red race car bed since his stream first started.

The Verge

So it's now a thing: “Streamers” are going on days-long streams where they are online 24×7. This dude, Ludwig Ahgren, decided to hold a subscription-a-thon, where he promised to stay live for 20 seconds for every subscription he received.

He's been on for about two weeks. Subs are $5 a month.

Do the math. This is batshit crazy.

5 – Blood Money circa 2021

Or “Oil for Vaccines.”

CARACAS (Reuters) – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Sunday proposed paying for vaccines against the novel coronavirus with oil, though he provided few details about how such a scheme would work.


Venezuela, oil rich and sense-poor, is looking for a dealer who accepts black gold in 50-gallon drums.

6- Queue the Van Morrison song, “Domino.”

Or not. Read the following carefully:

Delta believes that full and equal access to voting is a fundamental right for all citizens. Over the past several weeks, Delta engaged extensively with state elected officials in both parties to express our strong view that Georgia must have a fair and secure election process, with broad voter participation and equal access to the polls.

The legislation signed this week improved considerably during the legislative process, and expands weekend voting, codifies Sunday voting and protects a voter’s ability to cast an absentee ballot without providing a reason. 

For the first time, drop boxes have also been authorized for all counties statewide and poll workers will be allowed to work across county lines.

Nonetheless, we understand concerns remain over other provisions in the legislation, and there continues to be work ahead in this important effort. We are committed to continuing to listen to our people and our communities, and engage with leaders from both parties to ensure every eligible employee and Georgia voter can exercise their right to vote.

Statement on Delta Airline's website

Will Delta's be the first to fall? The answer is a BIG FAT “NO!”

If you read the above statement carefully, as I instructed, you picked up on the fact that Delta LOVES the Georgia law just passed that limits voting rights to an unprecedented degree.

It's like this: “Let's make a bill so bad that when we make some minor changes to it everybody says, ‘Wow, it's better than the shit we just had on the table, so we'll take it!'

God damn, Delta.

Expect more of this bullshit. It's time to pass S1 and H1. They're not perfect, but they're better than this bullshit.

Read here and here for more. Our democracy depends on it. We can't have more of this state-run baloney. We have a Constitution that is being usurped by primarily (but not all) Southern states who simply want fewer People of Color to vote because if POC are able to vote, the GOP won't win another election ever anywhere.

That's it. That's the real reason.

The article was originally published here!


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