
Showing posts from May, 2019

Robert Mueller’s First Public Statement about Russia Investigation

The post Robert Mueller’s First Public Statement about Russia Investigation appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Robert Mueller’s First Public Statement about Russia Investigation

Theresa May quits: UK set for new PM by end of July – BBC News

Theresa May has said she will quit as Conservative leader on 7 June, paving the way for a contest to decide a new prime minister.In an emotional statement, she said she had done her best to deliver Brexit and it was a matter of “deep regret” that she had been unable to do so.Mrs May said she would continue to serve as PM while a Conservative leadership contest takes place.The party said it hoped a new leader could be in place by the end of July. Source: Theresa May quits: UK set for new PM by end of July – BBC News The post Theresa May quits: UK set for new PM by end of July – BBC News appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Theresa May quits: UK set for new PM by end of July – BBC News

Is there a crisis in capitalism? | Bill Gates

And yet many people are questioning the capitalist system that produced those gains. There’s an understandable sense that the system is in crisis. Why is this happening? Collier says we’re experiencing three big rifts: 1) a spatial divide between booming cities and struggling small towns; 2) a class divide between people who have a college education and those who don’t; and 3) a global divide between high- and middle-income countries on the one hand, and fragile states on the other. Collier has a personal perspective on all three divides. He grew up in industrial Sheffield, England; now he makes his home in an upscale college town. Both of his parents left school when they were 12; he went to Oxford. He lives in a rich country, but because of his work, he spends a lot of time in some of the poorest places in the world. Source: Is there a crisis in capitalism? | Bill Gates The post Is there a crisis in capitalism? | Bill Gates appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Is there a cri

Illegal Machine Gun Conversion Devices Smuggled into US

(CNN) Federal authorities suspect that thousands of machine gun conversion devices have been illegally imported into the United States from China, in some cases ending up in the hands of convicted felons, CNN has learned. Agents with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are actively working to locate the devices and retrieve them. Brad Engelbert, an ATF spokesman, described the nationwide recovery effort as a “high priority” for the agency, focused on those devices in the possession of “people who may be a danger to the community.” “We’re working it,” Engelbert said. “We want to nip this in the bud. We want to get these things off the street.” Source: Illegal machine gun conversion devices smuggled into US – CNN The post Illegal Machine Gun Conversion Devices Smuggled into US appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Illegal Machine Gun Conversion Devices Smuggled into US

Repair Of Iconic ’60s Era Synthesizer Turns Into Long, Strange Trip For Engineer

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) — For years, an urban legend circulated online and in documentaries purporting how part of a groundbreaking musical instrument — versions which are stored at a Bay Area university and other institutions — was dipped in LSD. Online chatter detailed how musicians who used the instrument would wet their finger, touch the device, and then lick their finger to get a little bit of mind-expanding inspiration. Now this supposed myth may turn out to be a reality. — At the helm of KPIX Television, Broadcast Operations Manager Eliot Curtis tackles all sorts of technical problems to keep Channel 5 on the air. Recently however, a strange electrical transmission threw him for a loop. It happened inside his brain. “It was … felt like I was tripping on LSD,” remarked Curtis. It turns out that Curtis was indeed tripping on the infamous psychedelic drug known as lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD for short. He got dosed by accident at home in his workshop — in front of his

Grumpy Cat Is Dead

Source: Grumpy Cat Has Died The post Grumpy Cat Is Dead appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Grumpy Cat Is Dead

Saudi Arabia Says Its Oil Pipelines Are Under Attack From Drones

From the article: Two days after it claimed two of its oil tankers were seriously damaged in sabotage attacks, Saudi Arabia now says its oil pipelines are being systematically attacked by drones. Its the latest in a string of incidents that are seriously endangering stability in the Middle East. Aside from the alleged ship sabotage and drone attacks, Iran announced last week that it would be quitting parts of the 2015 nuclear deal, and the White House has been mulling plans to send 120,000 troops to the Middle East to prepare for an attack from Tehran. Source: Saudi Arabia Says Its Oil Pipelines Are Under Attack From Drones The post Saudi Arabia Says Its Oil Pipelines Are Under Attack From Drones appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Saudi Arabia Says Its Oil Pipelines Are Under Attack From Drones

A mummy’s final meal adds to an ancient mystery – The Iceman’s last supper

See? Meat will kill you! Source: A mummy’s final meal adds to an ancient mystery – The Iceman’s last supper The post A mummy’s final meal adds to an ancient mystery – The Iceman’s last supper appeared first on My Daily Grind News . A mummy’s final meal adds to an ancient mystery – The Iceman’s last supper

China strikes back at United States with higher tariffs on American goods – CNN

More trade war news. From the article: London (CNN Business) China is striking back at the United States as the trade warbetween the world’s two biggest economies continues to escalate. Beijing said Monday that it will raise tariffs on $60 billion worth of US goods on June 1. The move follows Friday’s increase in US tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese exports from 10% to 25%. The Trump administration moved to turn up the pressure on Beijing after months of trade talks failed to produce a breakthrough. Source: China strikes back at United States with higher tariffs on American goods – CNN The post China strikes back at United States with higher tariffs on American goods – CNN appeared first on My Daily Grind News . China strikes back at United States with higher tariffs on American goods – CNN

Trump Blow Up US-China Relations, Trade War Ensues

Donald Trump lays down his law by placing increased tariffs on $250 billion of Chinese goods. China will return the favor. NOBODY wins in a trade war. But Trump isn’t smart enough to know this. It’s just another big fat tax you get to pay when you shop. Source: Trump Xi trade war: Trump defiant as trade penalties kick in, warns China there is more to come – The Washington Post The post Trump Blow Up US-China Relations, Trade War Ensues appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Trump Blow Up US-China Relations, Trade War Ensues

Georgia Sprinter Impaled by Javelin, Expected to Make Full Recovery

From the article: An athlete at the University of Georgia is expected to make a full recovery after being impaled by a javelin, the school said in a statement released Wednesday. Freshman sprinter Elija Godwin suffered a punctured and collapsed left lung after he ran backward into a javelin resting on the ground at an unusual angle, according to reports. It was truly an accident,” Georgia Athletic Director Greg McGarity said (via Dawg Nation ). “Nobody threw anything or anything like that.” Godwin was taking part in backward running drills with teammates when he was pierced by the javelin. Source: Georgia sprinter impaled by javelin, expected to make full recovery – The Washington Post The post Georgia Sprinter Impaled by Javelin, Expected to Make Full Recovery appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Georgia Sprinter Impaled by Javelin, Expected to Make Full Recovery

Man Poops out Swallowed AirPod, Finds that It Still Works Perfectly

According to a news story of dubious sourcing, a Taiwanese man named Hsu accidentally swallowed one of his iPhone AirPods while sleeping. When he searched for it in the morning, he realized that the sound from the AirPod was coming from inside him. INSIDE HIS BUTT! Source: Man Poops out Swallowed AirPod, Finds That It Still Works Perfectly – Neatorama The post Man Poops out Swallowed AirPod, Finds that It Still Works Perfectly appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Man Poops out Swallowed AirPod, Finds that It Still Works Perfectly

Trump Asserts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

Here we go. The Trump administration has just asserted executive privilege over the Mueller report. Your move, Congress. Specifically, Jerry Nadler. From the article: The Justice Department has informed House Judiciary chairman Jerry Nadler this morning that the “President has asserted executive privilege over the entirety of the subpoenaed materials.” Source: The post Trump Asserts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Trump Asserts Executive Privilege over Mueller Report

Douglas County sheriff’s deputies responding to school shooting in Highlands Ranch

From the article: Douglas County sheriff’s officials say two people are injured as they investigate a report of shots fired at the STEM School in Highlands Ranch. The sheriff’s office is warning people to stay away from the school at 8773 S. Ridgeline Blvd. The reports of shots fired came at 1:53 p.m., according to a Douglas County Sheriff’s Office tweet. Deputies are still trying to identify and locate suspects, the tweet said. “Still active and unstable scene,” the sheriff’s office said. The STEM School is on lockdown, according to the Douglas County School District. All other Highlands Ranch schools are on lockout, the district said. Parents are being asked to go to Northridge Recreation Center at 8800 South Broadway to pick up their children. Source: Douglas County sheriff’s deputies responding to school shooting in Highlands Ranch The post Douglas County sheriff’s deputies responding to school shooting in Highlands Ranch appeared first on My Daily Grind News

Man Crosses Atlantic in Metal Tube

71 year old man crosses Atlantic Ocean in orange capsule From the article: In December last year, Jean-Jacques Savin, 71, floated away from the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa in an orange capsule he’d built. Last week, he landed at the Dutch Caribbean island of St. Eustatius. The capsule has no motor and was steered by the ocean current. Inside the 10 feet by 7 feet capsule is a bed and kitchen for Savin to cook fish he caught during the nearly 3,000 mile journey. Source: The post Man Crosses Atlantic in Metal Tube appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Man Crosses Atlantic in Metal Tube

Mnuchin Tells House in Letter He Will Not Turn Over Trump Tax Returns

From the article: Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Monday told House Democrats he would not furnish President Trump’s tax returns despite their legal request, the latest move by Trump administration officials to shield the president from congressional investigations. ” Mnuchin added that requests from Congress “must serve a legitimate legislative purpose” and that the request from Democrats does not. “ The legal battle will begin. Source: The post Mnuchin Tells House in Letter He Will Not Turn Over Trump Tax Returns appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Mnuchin Tells House in Letter He Will Not Turn Over Trump Tax Returns

Trump Trade Tweets Send Grain Markets Diving to 42-Year Low

From the article: Soybean and corn futures slumped after tweets from Donald Trump that threaten an escalation of the U.S.-China trade war. The Bloomberg Grains Subindex Total Return tumbled to the lowest since 1977. The prospect of an end to the crippling tariffs that Beijing imposed on U.S. soy, corn and wheat exports was one of the few positives for American agriculture markets. China’s foreign ministry said that officials were still planning to travel to the U.S. for the next round of trade talks — but was unable to confirm when amid signs that a delay is now being considered. Source: The post Trump Trade Tweets Send Grain Markets Diving to 42-Year Low appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Trump Trade Tweets Send Grain Markets Diving to 42-Year Low

F.C.C. Warns About the ‘One Ring’ Robocall Scheme

From the article: Your phone rings once and the caller leaves no message. Thinking you missed a call, you call the number back. Someone answers or maybe you get a recording. You stay on the phone listening to the person or trying to decipher what the recording is saying. Unknown to you, though, you have been connected to a line with high interconnect fees, similar to calling a 900 number, and a bloated phone bill is on its way. The Federal Communications Commission warned consumers about this “one ring” scheme in an alert last week. It’s also known as a wangiri scam — Japanese for “one ring and cut.” Source: F.C.C. Warns About the ‘One Ring’ Robocall Scheme – The New York Times The post F.C.C. Warns About the ‘One Ring’ Robocall Scheme appeared first on My Daily Grind News . F.C.C. Warns About the ‘One Ring’ Robocall Scheme

Trump would have been charged with obstruction were he not president – Opinion

Yes, you read that right – President Trump would have been charged with obstruction of justice had he not been president. This recent chain of events has shown us a) the framers of the Constitution weren’t as smart as they’re given credit for and b) we really ARE ruled by a king, perhaps not in name but certainly in function. From the article: More than 370 former federal prosecutors who worked in Republican and Democratic administrations have signed on to a statement asserting special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s findings would have produced obstruction charges against President Trump — if not for the office he held. The statement — signed by myriad former career government employees as well as high-profile political appointees — offers a rebuttal to Attorney General William P. Barr’s determination that the evidence Mueller uncovered was “not sufficient” to establish that Trump committed a crime. Source: Trump would have been charged with obstruction were he no

Steph Curry Blows Easy Slam, Warriors Lose

In a game that changed leads several times, down the stretch, the Warriors blew it, capped off by an easy slam dunk attempted by their star guard, Stephen Curry (he missed). Kevin Durant poured in 40+ for the Dubs in their loss. The series has the Warriors up 2-1 over the Houston Rockets. Game 4 is scheduled for tonight in Houston. Source: The post Steph Curry Blows Easy Slam, Warriors Lose appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Steph Curry Blows Easy Slam, Warriors Lose

FIRST STRIKE? U.S. Deploying Carrier, Bombers to Middle East in Warning to Iran

From the article: WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States is deploying a carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the Middle East to send a clear message to Iran that any attack on U.S. interests or its allies will be met with “unrelenting force,” U.S. national security adviser John Bolton said on Sunday.Amid rising tensions between the United States and Iran, Bolton said the decision was “in response to a number of troubling and escalatory indications and warnings.””The United States is not seeking war with the Iranian regime, but we are fully prepared to respond to any attack, whether by proxy, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or regular Iranian forces,” Bolton said in a statement. Source: U.S. deploying carrier, bombers to Middle East in warning to Iran: Bolton The post FIRST STRIKE? U.S. Deploying Carrier, Bombers to Middle East in Warning to Iran appeared first on My Daily Grind News . FIRST STRIKE? U.S. Deploying Carrier, Bombers to Middle East in Warning to Ira

Federal Court Throws Out Ohio’s Congressional Map : NPR

From the article: A federal court has ruled that Ohio’s congressional map is an “unconstitutional partisan gerrymander” and must be redrawn by the 2020 election. In their ruling Friday, a three-judge panel from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio argue that the map was intentionally drawn “to disadvantage Democratic voters and entrench Republican representatives in power.” The court argues the map violates voters’ constitutional right to choose their representatives and exceeds the state’s powers under Article I of the Constitution. Source: Federal Court Throws Out Ohio’s Congressional Map : NPR The post Federal Court Throws Out Ohio’s Congressional Map : NPR appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Federal Court Throws Out Ohio’s Congressional Map : NPR

Jobs Up 263,000 in April 2019, Unemployment Falls to 3.6%, a 49-year Low

From the article: WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) – The economy generated a stronger than expected 263,000 new jobs in April, helping to drive down the unemployment rate to a 49-year low of 3.6%. The increase in new jobs easily topped the 217,000 MarketWatch forecast. The jobless rate slid from 3.8% in March to hit the lowest level since December 1969. The average wage paid to American workers rose 6 cents, or 0.2%, to $27.77 an hour. The 12-month rate of hourly wage gains was unchanged at 3.2%. Hours worked each week fell 0.1 hour Source: U.S. creates 263,000 jobs in April, unemployment falls to 3.6% – MarketWatch The post Jobs Up 263,000 in April 2019, Unemployment Falls to 3.6%, a 49-year Low appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Jobs Up 263,000 in April 2019, Unemployment Falls to 3.6%, a 49-year Low

Stephen Moore has withdrawn from Fed consideration, Trump says

From the article: Conservative economics pundit Stephen Moore has withdrawn his bid to be appointed to the Federal Reserve Board — within hours of boasting that he expected to be easily confirmed by the Senate — President Donald Trump said Thursday in a Twitter post. Moore’s putative nomination for the central bank had faced intense criticism and scrutiny after Trump said he wanted him on the Federal Reserve board. Moore, a 59-year-old visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation think tank, drew fire for his economic views, a messy divorce, a $75,000 IRS income tax lien and past statements that belittled women. “This is kind of a victory lap for the left because they took me down with a smear campaign,” Moore said in an interview with Fox Business News on Thursday. Source: Stephen Moore has withdrawn from Fed consideration, Trump says The post Stephen Moore has withdrawn from Fed consideration, Trump says appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Stephen Moore has withdrawn from F

Hedge Fund Manager Ray Dalio says Modern Monetary Theory Is ‘Inevitable’

From the article: Dalio says the implementation of MMT is only a matter of time. “To me the most important engineering puzzle policy makers around the world have to solve for the years ahead is how to get the economic machine to produce economic well-being for most people when monetary policy does not work,” the Bridgewater Associates founder wrote in a LinkedIn post . Source: Ray Dalio says Modern Monetary Theory favored by far left is ‘inevitable’ The post Hedge Fund Manager Ray Dalio says Modern Monetary Theory Is ‘Inevitable’ appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Hedge Fund Manager Ray Dalio says Modern Monetary Theory Is ‘Inevitable’

The King of Thailand Married His Bodyguard and Made Her Queen

From the article: Thai King Maha Vajiralongkorn has married his bodyguard and made her queen.The royal announcement that Suthida Tidjai, a 40-year-old former flight attendant, is now queen comes just days before the king’s coronation — Vajiralongkorn took over as the top royal in 2016, when his father, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, passed away, but the coronation is on Saturday, and, no, the king has not given a reason for why the coronation is coming three years later.Per the royal statement, the king “has decided to pro Source: The king of Thailand married his bodyguard and made her queen – The Washington Post The post The King of Thailand Married His Bodyguard and Made Her Queen appeared first on My Daily Grind News . The King of Thailand Married His Bodyguard and Made Her Queen

Attorney General Bill Barr No-Shows House Judiciary

Lamar Alexander & Trump stooge, AG Bill Barr From article: An empty chair for Attorney General William Barr sits in a committee room on Capitol Hill on Thursday. Barr had informed the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that  he would not testify .ADVERTISEMENT A Justice Department spokeswoman said in a statement that the committee’s Democratic chairman placed “unprecedented and unnecessary” conditions on the hearing by arranging to have committee lawyers ask him questions. The DOJ argued that only members of Congress should be asking questions. The chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), in turn accused Barr of “trying to blackmail the committee” to operate the way the administration wanted. “The Committee will convene at 9:00 tomorrow morning, as planned,” Nadler said in a statement. “My colleagues will be present. I hope and expect that Attorney General Barr will be there as well.” Source: House Judiciary Committee leaves empty c

Opinion | James Comey: How Trump Co-opts Leaders Like Bill Barr – The New York Times

Comey, Obama, Mueller From the article: It takes character like Mr. Mattis’s to avoid the damage, because Mr. Trump eats your soul in small bites. Source: Opinion | James Comey: How Trump Co-opts Leaders Like Bill Barr – The New York Times The post Opinion | James Comey: How Trump Co-opts Leaders Like Bill Barr – The New York Times appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Opinion | James Comey: How Trump Co-opts Leaders Like Bill Barr – The New York Times

Kamala Harris Just ROASTED Attorney General Bill Barr

Here is the complete exchange, via CSPAN, between Kamala Harris and Bill Barr — including the part where Barr couldn't say whether Trump or anyone in the White House has ever suggested that he open an investigation into anyone. It's worth a watch. — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) May 1, 2019 The post Kamala Harris Just ROASTED Attorney General Bill Barr appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Kamala Harris Just ROASTED Attorney General Bill Barr

Mueller’s Willing to Testify, but Trump DOJ Is Holding It Up: Dems

Former Director of the FBI, Robert Mueller From the article: House Democrats tell The Daily Beast they’ve been told Special Counsel Robert Mueller is willing to testify before them about his report on Russian interference in the 2016 election , but the Department of Justice has been unwilling to set a date for it to happen. The impasse comes as lawmakers have grown increasingly frustrated over Attorney General Bill Barr’s handling of the release of the Mueller probe and as other Trump associates have declined to appear before congressional committees . Source: Mueller’s Willing to Testify, but Trump DOJ Is Holding It Up: Dems The post Mueller’s Willing to Testify, but Trump DOJ Is Holding It Up: Dems appeared first on My Daily Grind News . Mueller’s Willing to Testify, but Trump DOJ Is Holding It Up: Dems